5 Health Benefits of Andrew Lessman’s Tumeric 400

May 9, 2024

Andrew Lessman’s Tumeric 400 provides root extracts formalized for the maximum levels of curcuminoids. It contains turmeric and curcumin.

The yellow hue of curry is due to the addition of turmeric. It has been eaten as a spice and a medicinal herb in India for centuries. Traditional assertions that turmeric has therapeutic benefits have now been supported by scientific research.

Curcuminoids are the name given to this class of chemicals. Curcumin is the most significant ingredient. Turmeric’s primary constituent is curcumin. As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it’s a powerhouse.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has many health advantages.

1. Bioactive chemicals found in turmeric have been shown to have therapeutic effects

Turmeric extracts, which are primarily composed of curcumin, are commonly used in the research on this herb, and dosages typically exceed 1 gram per day.

It would be nearly impossible to get these amounts of turmeric consumption by simply adding the spice to your food. That’s why certain people prefer to use supplements.

Fat-soluble curcumin, on the other hand, may be broken down and dissolved in fat or oil by the body. Taking curcumin pills and a high-fat diet may be beneficial in this regard.

2. Curcumin is a naturally occurring anti-inflammatory chemical

It aids in the battle against foreign invaders and aids in the healing of your body. Chronic inflammation that affects your tissues can be harmful even if acute and short-lived.

Researchers agree that chronic low inflammation may be linked to various health issues and illnesses. Among them are:

  • A heart attack
  • Cancer
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s

3. Turmeric can enhance the antioxidant capability of the body

Oxidative damage is thought to play a role in the aging process and the development of many diseases. Free radicals, molecules with unpaired electrons, are involved. Fatty acids, proteins, and DNA are common targets for free radical reactions.

Antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals, which is why they are so important. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant because of its chemical structure, which neutralizes free radicals.

4. Curcumin can enhance Brain Neurotrophic factor

Neurons were formerly thought to be incapable of dividing and multiplying after three or four. This has been proven to be untrue. Neurons can create new connections for them to grow and expand in number in some parts of the brain.

Several brain illnesses and aging-related declines in brain function may be prevented or reversed by this treatment. Memory and attentiveness may also benefit from it.

5. Heart disease may be reduced by taking curcumin supplements

The primary cause of mortality in the world is heart disease. There are various theories about why this occurs, and they’ve been investigated for many years by researchers. The cardiovascular disease process may be slowed or even reversed by curcumin. Curcumin’s ability to improve the functionality of endothelium, the coating of the blood vessels, may be its most important advantage in combating heart disease.


Turmeric, in particular curcumin, its most active component, has a long list of health advantages that have been scientifically validated. Curcumin’s low bioavailability means that these advantages are unavailable to the general public.