Stomach Pain?

July 14, 2024

As someone who had suffered from stomach issues my whole life & had stage 3 colon cancer as well as being diagnosed with IBS I refused to let this control my life. I did not want to take medications so I looked for alternatives. I definitely was not the healthiest of eaters and still not to this day but I have gotten much better over the years. I did try medications and they just weren’t for me and I felt they weren’t helping. As I was already taking several supplements from Andrew Lessman, I looked to see if he had anything to help with digestive health and he did. I was tired of always worrying about going to events with family & friends where eating was involved because I NEVER knew how my stomach would react. So at times, I just didn’t go or I didn’t eat. This is no way to live. I have found that Andrew Lessman’s digestive health supplements have been a godsend. I take Fibermucil, and Ultimate Friendly Flora everyday and Digest assure after almost every meal and these products have given me my life back. If you are someone who can relate to my story you have nothing to lose by trying these products. They are all natural and cause no stomach upset. I am not a Dr. and cannot make medical claims but I can tell you from years of personal experience these and drastically changed my life.