Causes of Mental Health Issues in Young People

June 3, 2024

We looked at the role teachers have in students’ well-being. It’s important to recognize mental health awareness days because they encourage people to talk about mental health concerns and express their concern for those experiencing them. With this post, we intend to provide school staff with practical suggestions on creating a school climate that promotes children’s mental health.

Is this that serious?

Young people’s mental health should be a concern for all of us. Because suicide is the leading cause of mortality among American adolescents, encouraging mental health in institutions should be a primary concern. According to statistics, many mental illnesses occur before a person turns 18. However, there are some exceptions. Mental health disorders in adults typically begin before the ages of 15 and 16. In public schools, one out of every ten students has a diagnosable mental condition. With 30 pupils, there are three who have mental health difficulties. Seventy-five percent of young people with mental health disorders are untreated. Fifty-one percent of young people are affected by the stigma associated with mental illness.

What’s happening with the younger generation?

Adolescents’ mental health can be affected by a wide range of factors, including:

  • Exam preparation.

The pressure and volume of exams have a negative impact on the mental health of many pupils. Students are stressed out by the amount of content they have to master and the expectations they have to meet. Additionally, they are afraid about how their grades can affect their futures.

  • The technological age we live in now.

When it comes to spending time indoors or on the internet, there’s been a major shift in recent years. Online gaming is taking on the function of playground activity. As a result, young people confront a wide range of risks online, including the potential for exposure to unpleasant content and bullying via social media.

  • A rise in the use of social media

Numerous social media networks sprout up all the time and gain in popularity. Teenagers’ use of Instagram and Tiktok, arguably one of the best social media platforms, can result in feelings of inadequacy as they evaluate themselves to their peers. It is also detrimental to interpersonal relations and the nature of one’s friendships when using social media.

  • LGBTQ+.

Informing loved ones of a student’s sexual orientation or gender identity can be a difficult task for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+. Loneliness, alienation, and worry may be felt as they fight to be true to themselves.

This generation has to deal with a great deal of stress.

Students often face extra stressors in addition to the weight of testing, which can lead to a spike in worry and anxiety. Exhaustion and mental health difficulties are common among these children.


Avoiding mental illness is simply one part of maintaining a healthy mind. People need to achieve their educational potential, manage regular stressors, and maintain a robust social network to be mentally healthy. A shortage of them could cause someone to descend into a state of profound depression.